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Scott Stoval


LONG BINH (104th Engineer Company- Dump Truck)

A military policeman on duty at the check point Bravo, Camp Frenzell Jones recently executed the classic double take when he stepped up to check a 20 ton dump truck's trip ticket. Riding in the passenger seat of the truck was a full bull colonel. Everything was in perfect order and the truck moved out for its daily mission leaving a baffled MP at the gate.

The episode started early that morning when Colonel Amos L. Wright, 79th Engineer Group Commander and CSM Cosme M Cadena arrived at the 104th Engineer Company (Dump Truck) motor pool at 0715 hours. Colonel Wright climbed into the cab of a 20 ton dump truck with SP-5 Charles A. Emmert, and CSM Cadena rode with SGT John Warkentin. At the motor pool gate 1LT Hammond, LOC platoon leader, halted the trucks for his morning inspection. After insuring that the drivers and their VIP passengers had secured their seat belts and that they had all their tactical gear with them, Lt Hammond told the drivers to move out. The Yellow Birds proceeded to University Quarry where they loaded with 1 1/2" base rock and from there to the 554th Engineer Battalion stock pile at Lai Khe. During the trip Colonel Wright and CSM Cadena observed the driver's daily routine. At Lai Khe Colonel Wright was met by representatives of the 554th Engineer Battalion for an on the spot inspection of construction on QL-13. Before his departure, SP-5 Emmert invited his Group Commander back for another ride "Any day of the week".

By SP-4 M. Scott Stovall

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