Chief Thomas Nations
San Antonio Tx
I retired with 32 yrs at a electric company in
Springfield, IL. Have three children, oldest
daughter just had her husband killed in
Afghanistan last April, he had 24 yrs with Air
Force and then went over there under Lockheed
Martin. Mortar got him and three others. Second
daughter is in mountain home Idaho. Her husband
is in the Air Force with 18 yrs., my son is not
married and he is in Kuwait with 17 yrs Air Force.
I moved to San Antonio because of the
grandchildren here. Was here and spent a lot of
time with the one that got killed. Haven't been to
Springfield in two years but thinking of going in
May or June of next yr. Would like to go to the
reunion. Still trying to look up Eddie Bowman. Last
address was mobile Alabama. My wife and grand
kids were surprised when i showed them our
picture. The five year old ask me how I got so fat. If
we ever get to NC i will look you up. I also talked to
Jerry Ospry out of St. Paul Minn. He is doing good
it also will be great to see you. Tom

Chief Thomas Nation and Benny Wilhelm, He said that you would be
hard pressed to find a nicer person.
Picture supplied by Benny Wilhelm