Lt. Jim Albers
Company Commander
Goodyear, Arizona
I think His Craziness showed up in Vietnam
I am James E Albers, I served in the 104th Engineer Company DT,
from its rein-activation in Ft Meade in July 1966 until I was rotated
from Vietnam in December 1967. I was the company commander
from July 1967 until I rotated. My replacement was Lt. Stone who
served as my senior Lieutenant. Prior to my assumption of
command , the commander was 1st Lt. Smith who was preceded by
Cpt Fritz Boyer. I was the guy who originally coined up the motto;
“ We drop our rocks anywhere”. I served with the 104th from July
1966 as a brand new 2nd LT. (from OCS- 7 years enlisted) until I
departed in late December 1967. I was the training officer in Ft.
Meade prior to our employment, and also as a platoon leader in Ft.
Meade and later Vietnam.
It was really a great unit. Everyone that I was privileged to serve
with was a superb soldier. The NCO’s were exceptional. Of
particular merit, I would recall 1st Sgt Cantwell, and SSgt
I retired in 1979 as a Major, after 20 years service and count my
time with the fine men of the 104th as the best.